Project “Bila hora 1620”

Project “Bila hora 1620” was created as a non-profit activity of people interested in history and military affairs. Our goal is to strengthen the traditions and the interest of the public in history.

Our activities are in no way related to the celebration of war or militarism, on the contrary, we try to remind the basic values of life. The authors of the project have set mainly the following tasks:

  • Bring this historical period closer to the general public in an interesting and attractive way.
  • Prepare and coordinate the reconstruction of the battle and the events associated with it.
  • Promote the awareness of the historical unity of our country with European countries and Europe as a whole.
  • Help to gain deeper knowledge of history and culture by supporting thematic lectures and seminars, expositions, film documentaries, etc.
  • Create such activities that will attract the interest of tourists from home and abroad and thus contribute to the overall support of tourism.


Association “Bila Hora” 1620

was founded on 1 January 2008, for the purpose of organizing the event “The Reconstruction of the Battle of White Mountain 1620”.


Main contact

Tomáš Cholinský
mobil: +420 702 118 695
Facebook page


Milan Sýkora
mobil: +420 602 186 916

registration of units

Mikuláš Cholinský
mobil: +420 728 886 069